Karnataka: Former mayor of Belagavi arrested over local quarrel

Shivaji Sunthakar allegedly attacked Sadanand Shivram Kadolkar after an argument over a traffic jam in Sunathkar’s locality.
For representational purpose. | File Photo
For representational purpose. | File Photo

BELAGAVI: Police have arrested former mayor Shivaji Sunthakar for allegedly assaulting a retired Deputy Superintendent of Police (DySP) in Belagavi, in the late hours of Sunday.
Shivaji Sunthakar is a resident of Kanbargi, Belagavi taluk. 

According to sources, retired DySP Sadanand Shivram Kadolkar was travelling in his vehicle in front of Sunthakar’s house in Kanbargi on Saturday when a parked vehicle blocked the traffic flow. 

Irked over this, Kadolkar allegedly started shouting, asking the owner to move the vehicle from the road. The vehicle belonged to Sunthakar’s son, who then approached Kadolkar and the duo started abusing each other.

Later, Sunthakar and his supporters tried to calm the duo, but the situation turned violent instead. Sunthakar and his men then allegedly assaulted 61-year-old Kadolkar.

Noting the situation, some villagers intervened and calmed both Kadolkar and Sunthakar.

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