BENGALURU: G M Srinivasa Reddy, Director, Karnataka State Natural Disaster Monitoring Centre (KSNDMC), said, “The circulation is bringing cold waves from the North and North-Western parts of the country.”
Reddy said the conditions in the city cannot be termed as a cold wave. It is categorised as such only if the temperature drops at least 5 degrees Celsius. However, in some parts of North Karnataka, temperatures were 3-5 degrees Celsius below expected levels, while in the South, the difference was 1.5-3 degrees Celsius, Reddy said.
From 8.30am on Friday to 8.30am on Saturday, the lowest temperature of 10.4 degrees Celsius in the state was recorded in Kodagu district, as per KSNDMC. The minimum temperature for the earlier 24 hour-period was 9.2 degrees Celsius. According to Varuna Mitra, the interactive weather help-desk of KSNDMC, Chilakalanerpu in Chikkaballapur recorded minimum of 6.3 degrees Celsius.