Karnataka prepared to handle forest fires this year

Forest officials say fire line preparation started in December itself and it is almost complete in all the wildlife areas right on time.
Last year, Bandipur, Nagarhole, Kali and BRT tiger reserves witnessed major fires | EPS
Last year, Bandipur, Nagarhole, Kali and BRT tiger reserves witnessed major fires | EPS

BENGALURU: With temperatures rising, sporadic incidents of forest fires are being reported from different parts of the state. However, the state Forest Department assures that all measures are in place to tackle forest fires in wildlife areas this season. Last year, protected areas including Bandipur, Nagarhole, Kali and BRT tiger reserves witnessed major fires. One such fire in Bandipur National Park killed a forest guard and injured several forest staffers. It took weeks to contain the raging fire.

Forest officials say fire line preparation started in December itself and it is almost complete in all the wildlife areas right on time. In the first two weeks of January, the process of hiring fire watchers for protection work too was completed. Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (PCCF) and head of Forest Force, Punati Sridhar, told The New Indian Express, “This time, a lot of measures have been taken. We have geared up our staff to face any untoward incident. Equipment, transportation and safety gear have been provided. We have also named an additional PCCF as the nodal officer to oversee the situation. Further, `50 lakh has been provided to the Fire Department to meet certain expenses.”

Meanwhile, forest fire incidents have been reported in the last few weeks from Nagarhole and other places, but compared to last year when major fires were reported in February and March, this time it is negligible, officials said. “Most of them are caused by miscreants. In encroached forest lands miscreants deliberately set fire during this season when the ground vegetation is dry and dense. So, we have engaged fire watchers in large numbers for protection work and vigilance.”

Forest officials said it has strengthened its reconnaissance units by hiring special vehicles that will have sprays to pump water in case of fire. Watch towers have also been set up with necessary equipment. Further, a back pack unit containing 20 litres of water spray has also been purchased. Other measures include safety gear such as jackets, gloves and masks for the forest staff.The PCCF added, “Miscreants want to encroach forest lands and resort to deliberate fires. The law has to be made more stringent to check this. However, wherever reports of fire are being reported, we are taking counter measures and I have asked for detailed reports.

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