BENGALURU: The state government on Thursday issued directions to the principal secretary of the Primary and Secondary Education Department to follow the draft notification issued by the Centre, banning the sale of junk food in and around schools.
In a letter, Education Minister Suresh Kumar said the department should follow the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and Food Safety and Standards Authority of India’s draft notification, under which carbonated drinks, chips, processed juice packets, pizzas, samosas, etc, should not be sold in and near schools. “Rules must be framed based on this and implemented strictly all over Karnataka,” Kumar wrote.
Meanwhile, shopkeepers around schools feel their livelihood will be threatened. Schools, however, said they have already been following the rule and do not allow junk food on campus. Jose MJ, principal of Indraprastha Vidyalaya, said, “We don’t encourage junk food at our school, but we have many shops outside the school. We have seen kids munching on fried food, but as it is outside school premises, we have no control. Meanwhile, officials of FSSAI in Karnataka feel that this move will curb drug use.
“There were many incidents where drugs were supplied to students from shops near schools. This will save students from such traps,” said a senior FFSAI official.