BENGALURU: Over 8.76 lakh registered SSLC students will appear for exams that will be held on two days, starting Monday, with all Covid safety measures in place at examination centres.
Exams for core subjects -- Science, Mathematics and Social Science – will be held on Monday, while those for the languages are scheduled for Thursday. The question papers are set in multiple-choice question (MCQ) format.
The exams will be held for three hours from 10.30 am to 1.30 pm at 73,064 halls in 4,885 centres. Last year, SSLC exams were held in around 48,000 halls of 3,310 centres.
Primary and Secondary Education Minister S Suresh Kumar, who visited several schools on Sunday to oversee the preparations, said arrangements have been made to allow students to appear for exams at the nearest centres from their house.
“Measures have been taken to ensure all Covid-appropriate behaviour is followed. Students will be given masks, while sanitisers will be kept in the halls,” Suresh Kumar said.
All Safety measures in place for SSLC exams, says edu minister
“Desks have been arranged as per Covid guidelines to maintain distance between students. Students who arrive early because of rains will be allowed inside the centres. I am confident that the exams will be held smoothly,” Suresh Kumar added.
Students who have contracted Covid are allowed to write exams at Covid Care Centres nearest to them. “Students who come to exam centres with symptoms like fever, cold or cough will be sent to separate halls meant for such candidates.
The department is completely geared up to hold safe exams,” he said, adding that more staff and halls are being used this year as compared to last year to ensure that the exams are held safely.
He said that the confusion over issuing hall tickets has been resolved at the block education office level and transport facilities have been arranged for rural students to reach exam centres.
Students cannot be fa iled
As per guidelines, students writing the exams cannot be failed. Those securing 90 to 100 marks will receive A+ grades, 80 to 89 will fetch them an A, 60 to 79 marks will be B, and 35 to 59 marks will be C. For regular/fresher students, 40 marks will be converted into 80 marks for evaluation, by adding the marks from internals. The total evaluation will be for 625 marks. Repeaters will have the same assessment system as freshers. For private freshers, 40 marks will be converted into 100 marks and evaluation will be held
accordingly. Private repeaters too will have a similar assessment.