No bandh on Friday, just farmers’ protests across Karnataka

Former CM H D Kumaraswamy urged the State Government to withdraw cases against farmer leader Rakesh Tikait, for his speeches during raitha mahapanchayats in the state.
BKU leader Rakesh Tikait (Photo | PTI)
BKU leader Rakesh Tikait (Photo | PTI)

BENGALURU: Farmer organisations in Karnataka have decided to extend support to the Bharat Bandh on Friday, called by Samyukta Kishan Morcha (SKM) to protest against the new farm laws, by holding protests and demonstrations across the state. Karnataka Sugarcane Growers’ Association president and SKM member Kuruburu Shanthakumar on Thursday said that farmers are not observing a bandh in the state, but extending full support to the nationwide bandh by holding protests against the policies of the State and Centre.

Shanthakumar, who is at the forefront of farmers’ protests in the state, said they have not made adequate preparations for Friday’s bandh, or held discussions among various farmer organisations in Karnataka. 
He urged the State Government to withdraw the suo motu cases filed against farmer leader Rakesh Tikait in Shivamogga and Haveri. “The government is using police to silence farmers’ movement in the state. In a democracy, everyone has the right to protest and present their point of view,” he added.

HDK wants cases against Tikait dropped
Former CM H D Kumaraswamy urged the State Government to withdraw cases against farmer leader Rakesh Tikait, for his speeches during raitha mahapanchayats in the state. “The police have booked cases against Tikait in Shivamogga and Haveri. This is an attempt to silence the voice of farmers,” he said. In a series of tweets, he said, “If they really wanted to book cases against those indulging in provocative speeches, how many cases should have been booked against BJP leaders by now?” He said there is no provocative element in Tikait’s statements.  

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