BENGALURU: As many parts of the country are reeling under power crises, Karnataka too has coal stocks that will last only for the next two to three days. The state has been spared the severity as it was blessed with bountiful showers over the last few days reducing the burden on the grid.
Energy Department officials told TNIE, “Every day, we are getting 15 rakes of coal. But it is better as we used to get 11 rakes earlier. We are hand-to-mouth as far as the coal situation is concerned, but we are in a better position as we have renewable energy and the weather is good. The rains have been a blessing for us.”
Power Minister Sunil Kumar said the daily average coal supply is improving, while the average peak demand is 10,400 MW. “It has been raining over the last few days and the power demand for irrigation pump sets in agricultural fields has come down. This has also brought down power generation at Ballari and Raichur thermal units,” the minister added.
‘People must be cautious in utilising power’
Additional Chief Secretary, Energy Department, G Kumar Naik said the thrust is now on storing energy so that the state can overcome any difficult power situation. “We have passed our peak load demand because of the rain. During the day, solar and wind resources are generating energy. All these factors are stabilising the demand and supply. People, however, must still be cautious in utilising power,” he added.
According to the Karnataka Power Transmission Corporation Limited, the Raichur Thermal Power Plant with an installed capacity of 1,720 MW is generating 486 MW. The Ballari Thermal Power plant is generating 855 MW of the installed capacity of 1,700 MW. Yeramarus thermal plant is generating 851 MW against the capacity of 1,600 MW.