MYSURU: A day after a nun from Mercy Convent in Srirampura in Mysuru filed a complaint at Ashokapuram police station alleging physical assault by her colleagues for raising voice against irregularities in the institution, the mother provincial of the Daughters of Our Lady of Mercy, which runs the institution, claimed that the nun’s act is unjustified and was done to defame the congregation.
Daughters of Our Lady of Mercy mother provincial Margaret in her press statement released on Wednesday said that nun Sudha K V aka Elsina has been a member of the religious congregation for the past 24 years. “But for the past few months, she has been behaving aggressively and using abusive language against other nuns, threatening to commit suicide.
Due to her behaviour, Sudha was admitted to St Mary’s Hospital. But Sudha at the instigation of an outsider created a video clip with false allegations against the members of the congregation and spread it through social media,” she said. Against the doctors advice, she got discharged from and went with her father after taking permission from the police. On June 6, she returned to the convent and threatened the nuns that she would drag them to court, Margaret said.
“The congregation has taken steps to probe the matter and we condemn such unjustified acts which aim at defaming the congregation and its members,” Margaret said in the statement. Meanwhile, police, who have registered a case of physical assault on the nun, are investigating the case.