HOSAPETE: The Hampi Kannada University has received a power bill of whopping Rs 77 lakh, some of it arrears. The university vice-chancellor has now written to Energy Minister KJ George to waive off the bill, saying the university is struggling to run due to paucity of funds. The letter has gone viral on social media and people are unhappy with the financial situation of the university.
Vice-Chancellor Paramashiva Murthy stated in the letter that since 2019, after the pandemic broke out, it has become difficult to run the university. Some bill amount had been pending and now, the total has come to over Rs 77 lakh.
In 2020, the university staff had written to the then Yediyurappa government to release around Rs 8 crore to cover the salaries of contract workers. University administration officials said the University has been facing financial crises for a few years now. “It’s a constitutional right to ask for funds to help students. Waiver of electricity bill, generated by GESCOM, is part of it. If possible, the government will help us or else we will pay the bill in some time with the permission of GESCOM officials,” they added.