BENGALURU: Transport Minister Ramalinga Reddy addressed the media on Sunday night and said that the measures are taken up by adding an additional 500 buses to areas that have more offices, educational institutions and factories.
He added that out of 28 demands of the federation, measures are taken to fulfil the majority of them and accused the federation of going ahead with the bandh even after repeated requests. Except for the demands that have financial implications like compensation for loss incurred because of Shakti scheme, waiving off road tax etc., which only Chief Minister Siddarmaiah can take a call, we have taken measures to address the majority of the demands, he explained.
Questioned about the people who will suffer, Reddy said that adequate measures have been taken so that people will not be put to any inconvenience. “Managing Directors of BMTC, KSRTC and other top officials will be monitoring the traffic demand and deploy additional buses immediately.” Police security is beefed up and action will be taken against those who force drivers to take part in the bandh, he added.