BENGALURU: Karnataka Home Minister Dr G Parameshwara on Saturday said a thorough probe will be conducted into the death of a police sub-inspector in Yadgir. The minister said the SI has not died by suicide and he has not left any suicide note and his wife has stated that he was upset over the transfer issue. That aspect will also be looked into during the probe, he said. Even if a ruling party MLA is involved, the police will file an FIR and probe it, he said.
Responding to a question on allegations against an MLA, the Home Minister said he cannot comment on that now and the truth will come out after the investigation. Meanwhile, the Opposition BJP has slammed the State Government stating that corruption in the Congress government claimed the life of an honest Dalit officer.
Leader of Opposition in the Assembly R Ashoka said the Congress government that was responsible for the death of Chandrashekaran, an official who was working with the Valmiki ST Development Corporation, has now killed another official Parasuram by demanding a bribe for his transfer.
The BJP leader said Congress MLA Chennareddy Patil and his son are responsible for the death of Yadgir PSI Parashuram, who died of a heart attack due to stress and mental harassment, his wife and family members have made serious allegations and filed a written complaint.