BENGALURU: The Karnataka State Examination and Assessment Board (KSEAB) on Saturday released the consolidated results for all three examinations conducted in 2024 for II PU students. A total of 7,04,920 students appeared for the exams, out of which 5,98,283 have passed, recording a pass percentage of 84.87%.
This is a 10% increase compared to last year, which was 74.67%, crediting the new examination system announced by the Congress government in 2023 of conducting three exams to help students improve their scores. Over 1.55 lakh students secured distinction this year and 2.90 lakh students achieved First Class and 81,000 passed with Second Class.
A total of 45,523 students improved their scores through the three attempts. The highest positive changes were seen in Physics with 14,882 students improving their marks, Maths-9,351, Chemistry-7,700, and 5,806 students appearing for English. Dakshina Kannada, Udupi and Uttar Kannada are the top-performing districts for PU II, with pass percentages of 98.59%, 98.45% and 94.64%, respectively. The lowest performing districts were Raichur, Chitradurga, and Kalaburagi, recording around 78% pass percentage.
7,378 students scored 100/100 in Maths, followed by 5,959 in Biology, and 2,595 managed to score full in the Kannada language paper.
The highest pass percentage was recorded for science streams with 93.63% of students clearing Grade 12, followed by Commerce at 84.18% and 73.27% of Arts students. Yet again, girls have outshined boys. A total of 3,69,708 girls appeared for the exams, recording a pass percentage of 88.43%, for boys the percentage was capped at 80.95%. The urban areas have marginally performed better than rural by only 0.37%.