BENGALURU: Deputy Chief Minister DK Shivakumar, who hoisted the Tricolour in Channapatna on the 78th Independence Day, took an indirect jibe at Union Minister of Steel and Heavy Industries HD Kumaraswamy, likening the latter resigning from his Assembly seat, to a flag being lowered at half mast.
“Today is not just a flag-hoisting day, but also marks the ascent of the Channapatna constituency’s development. As the lowering of the flag at half-mast is an insult to the national flag, so is a person elected by the people leaving them midway,” he stated, after hoisting the Tricolour at the government boys first-grade college grounds.
Shivakumar has been frequenting the Assembly constituency since when Kumaraswamy resigned as its legislator, to get elected as the Lok Sabha MP from Mandya. With bypoll dates expected to be announced anytime soon, Shivakumar is eyeing the constituency, appealing to its electorate to consider him as a candidate and elect the Congress’ nominee. Former minister and BJP MLC CP Yogeshwara, a strong contender for an NDA ticket, also shared the dais.
“It is a matter of great pride to have the opportunity to hoist the Tricolour here, on behalf of the government. Earlier, I used to participate in Independence Day celebrations in Kanakapura, Ramanagara and Bengaluru. I am fortunate to be able to participate in this programme, in Channapatna. I have come here as your son. There is no question of leaving you,” Shivakumar told the crowd. He, however, maintained that he has been visiting Channapatna to develop it, rather than for politics.