BENGALURU: The Koramangala police picked up the wife of a police sub-inspector (PSI) for allegedly filing a false complaint that unidentified miscreants had decamped with cash worth Rs 12 lakh and gold valuables, after tying her and gagging her at her residence. She had lodged a complaint on July 11, alleging that there was robbery at her house, and miscreants fled with cash and 114 grams of gold ornaments.
However, during the investigation, it was revealed that the she had given the cash and gold ornaments to her mother and had cooked up the robbery story.
Speaking to reporters, City Police Commissioner B Dayananda said that something was amiss after analyzing CCTV.
Upon questioning it was revealed that she had handed over the money to her mother, to help her, and falsely reported robbery. Commissioner added that if the PSI is involved in the false case, legal action will be taken against him.