MYSURU: A formal complaint has been filed with the Lakshmipuram Police Station against Parvathy BM, the wife of Chief Minister Siddaramaiah, and Congress spokesperson M Lakshmana, accusing them of creating false records, destroying original documents, and substituting them with fabricated ones in the MUDA scam case.
The complainant, activist Snehamayi Krishna, who had also sent a complaint to Governor Thaawarchand Gehlot against Siddaramaiah earlier, filed this fresh complaint on Wednesday, alleging that the CM and his family were involved in illegally obtaining 14 plots of land from the Mysuru Urban Development Authority (MUDA).
In his complaint, Krishna stated that during a press conference on July 26, 2024, Siddaramaiah released a letter purportedly written by his wife, Parvathy, to the MUDA commissioner dated June 23, 2014. This letter has been at the centre of the controversy due to alleged tampering, with whitener reportedly used to obscure certain words on the second page.
Recent scrutiny by media outlets has sparked suspicion that the white correction fluid was used to conceal references to land in Vijayanagar, a matter that has raised significant public concern. Following the press conference, Siddaramaiah tweeted a video clip on August 26, 2024, explaining the use of the correction fluid in the document. However, the complainant has meticulously compared the signatures and marks on the original documents with those presented in the video, highlighting nine key discrepancies that suggest forgery.
“The discrepancies include variations in the signatures, the positioning of letters, and differences in the marks adjacent to the signatures. The complaint alleges that these differences indicate that a false document was created and inserted into official records, replacing the original, authentic documents,” he stated in his complaint.
The complainant has also presented a video, which allegedly shows Lakshmana discussing the use of the correction fluid to alter the document, further fuelling suspicions of foul play. The complaint requests the Lakshmipuram Police to register a case against Parvathy, Lakshmana, and any other individuals involved, for their alleged role in fabricating documents, destroying original records, and attempting to mislead the investigation. The complainant has urged the authorities to take appropriate legal action to ensure justice in this matter.