HUBBALLI: Chief Minister Siddaramaiah on Friday said Governor Thaawarchand Gehlot’s sanction for his prosecution in the MUDA case was a conspiracy by BJP and JDS to destabilise the Congress government by targeting him personally. “But it will not be easy for them to topple the government which has come to power with the blessings of the people,” he told reporters here before leaving for Haveri.
He said BJP has a track record of toppling state governments, but this time it cannot lure any Congress MLAs.
“Investigations against Union Minister HD Kumaraswamy, former ministers Janardhana Reddy, Murugesh Nirani and Shashikala Jolle were completed, but the governor did not give permission to file chargesheets till now. But he gave permission for my prosecution without any investigation. This is nothing but a political conspiracy,” he said.
Responding to BJP state president BY Vijayendra seeking his resignation, Siddaramaiah said, “Will I resign just on his demand? Will Vijayendra resign as president of his party if we demand?”
On the ongoing trial in the high court on the MUDA case, he said, “Let’s see what happens. All Congress MLAs and MPs will submit a petition to the governor demanding permission for filing a chargesheet against Kumaraswamy and take action on other requests pending before him.”
On the Mahadayi issue, Siddaramaiah said the work will start immediately after the Union Ministry of Environment and Forests gives its approval. “The question that should be asked to Union Minister Pralhad Joshi is being posed to me,” he added.
Hoping that the 16th Finance Commission (FC) will address injustice meted to the state by the previous FC, Siddaramaiah said his cabinet and top officials have apprised the FC members on how the state lost around Rs 80,000 crore due to a reduction in its share in the devolution of funds by the Centre. Commission chairman Arvind Panagaria and other members have responded positively to the state’s submission, he added.