KOPPAL: Koppal farmers, social activists, ecologists and history lovers have opposed a survey to set up a nuclear power plant near Arasinakeri Bear Sanctuary and Hirebenkala Megalithic sites.
The central government has planned a nuclear power plant in Koppal district, but environmentalists and farmers have raised concerns over its impact on wildlife, human settlements and Tungabhadra reservoir. The Gangavati taluk administration recently conducted the survey near Chikka Benakal and identified 1,200 acres for the power plant and submitted a report to the district administration.
Hirebenkal is one of largest megalithic sites in Karnataka. Protected by the Archaeological Survey of India, it has approximately 400 megalithic structures built about 2,800 years ago. History lovers say it has been proposed to be included in the UNESCO World Heritage site list. If the nuclear power plant is set up here, it may harm the site. Villagers around Hirebenkal said they will face health issues if the power plant is set up in the vicinity.
The Arasinakeri forest along with Methgal and nearby agricultural lands falls under the Bear Sanctuary’s jurisdiction. The region is known for its rich wildlife, including bears, leopards, wolves and rabbits.
Recent road accidents, human encroachments and deforestation have already harmed the bear population. If a nuclear power plant is set up, it will definitely impact wildlife, environmentalists argue.
Arasinkeri villagers said the district administration can identify other land which is safer. If the administration goes ahead with its plan, the villagers threatened to protest in front of the deputy commissioner’s office. Former MLC HR Srinath of Koppal told the media that the proposal should be cancelled or they will stage an intense protest.
Lingaraj Hosamani, a farmer, said, “The district administration is silently conducting surveys. But DC Nalin Atul very well knows that the Bear Sanctuary and Monolithic sites are like cynosures of our district. We have to save them. If a nuclear power plant comes up here, we all know the effects. We are already suffering from thick, black smoke from industries.”