Hanur Primary Health Centre finally gets an ambulance

The gravity of the situation was highlighted when a pregnant woman from Ponnachi village in Hanur went into labour, and did not get help on time.
 Hanur Primary Health Centre
Hanur Primary Health Centre

MYSURU: A day after The New Indian Express reported about the ambulance crisis in rural Chamarajagar district, an ambulance has finally been stationed at the Hanur taluk to address the severe challenges faced by the remote villages along the borders of Chamarajanagar district.

On Wednesday, TNIE published a report titled ‘Shortage of ambulances plagues border villages of Chamrajanagar. For the past six months, the ambulance at Hanur Primary Health Centre has been out of service.

The gravity of the situation was highlighted when a pregnant woman from Ponnachi village in Hanur went into labour, and did not get help on time. Responding to this report, Health Commissioner D Randeep, on Thursday informed that an ambulance from the DB Kuppe PHC is now stationed for emergency services in Hanur.

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