Give us list of illegal schools in Karnataka, demand parents

The lack of a search option in the list has left parents and students reading hundreds of names to find their own.
Image used for representational purposes only.
Image used for representational purposes only.Express illustrations

BENGALURU: Stakeholders are displeased with the Department of School Education and Literacy (DSEL) releasing a long list of authorised unaided schools in the state, instead of just cutting out the clutter and giving names of schools that did not receive the department’s permission to function.

Many parents are finding it difficult to locate the names of their children’s schools, as some of the lists uploaded by the BEOs are photos in PDF format, several of them blurry. The lack of a search option in the list has left parents and students reading hundreds of names to find their own.

The Associated Managements of Primary and Secondary Schools in Karnataka (KAMS) has warned of a protest if the list of unauthorised schools is not released in the following week. In a letter addressed to Education Commissioner BB Cauvery, the association said, “KAMS has identified several unauthorised schools and requested the department to disclose their names before the academic year begins, however, the department has only released the list of authorised schools. This says officials in the department have vested interests.”

The letter added that BEOs and DDPIs have failed to list the names of unauthorised schools and submit them to the head office.

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