BENGALURU: Sugar Minister Shivanand Patil on Saturday said he has given clear directions to officials to conduct detailed inquiries into any illegalities taking place in cooperative sugar factories in the state. Patil said he has already ordered one such investigation into irregularities at Nandi Sugar Factory in the district.
The investigation is on and based on the report, action will be taken soon, he added. On Ranna Cooperative Sugar Factory of Mudhol taluk in Bagalkot where severe financial irregularities have been reported, he said the government has decided to lease out the factory to a private agency. “It is expected to help revive the factory and directly facilitate farmers in selling their sugarcane,” he said.
On Mysugar, the lone state-owned sugar factory in Mandya district, he said the government has cleared all hurdles in its functioning and the factory has resumed operation. “We hope it will make a profit this year,” he added.