CHIKKAMAGALURU: Forest Minister Eshwar B Khandre on Sunday instructed the additional chief secretary for Forest, Biodiversity and Environment Department to order into the vehicle rally in Bhirapura and Hosakere hills in the Balur Reserve Forest on Saturday. The probe should be conducted by a Chief Conservator of Forests-rank officer and a breach of public case under the Forest Protection Act and Wildlife Conservation Act should be filed.
In a letter, the minister elaborated that the motorists have illegally entered the sensitive zone of Balur Reserve Forest which also happens to be an elephant corridor and conducted a rally in which 52 vehicles are known to have participated. The forest department should take immediate action, the letter said.
Activist Pradeep Gowda alleged that neither the Mudigere RFO nor the staff had taken action on the rally participants.
“Since it is a corridor for wild animals and elephants, the sound of vehicles disturbed the animals. The vehicles must be seized and action must be taken on the trespassers,” Pradeep demanded.
When the incident came to light on Saturday, a probe by a Chief Conservator of Forests (CCF) rank officer had said a detailed report has been sought on trees damaged, grasslands impacted and animals disturbed, and action will be taken.