BENGALURU: A day after the police submitted a 3,991-page chargesheet to the 24th Additional Chief Metropolitan Magistrate court in connection with Renukaswamy’s murder, three photographs, which are a crucial piece of evidence during the trial, surfaced on Thursday.
Of the three photos, two have been reportedly retrieved from the mobile phone of accused V Vinay, owner of Stonny Brook Pub. In one of the photos, Renukaswamy is seen pleading with the accused with teary eyes and in another, he is lying unconscious. The photographs show the victim in a white vest and blue jeans. Before disposing of the body at Sumanahalli stormwater drain, the accused had removed his vest and pants, which were stained with blood, and put on a a full-sleeved t-shirt and an undergarment.
The third picture doing the rounds was taken when police took the accused to the pub for spot mahazar and to recreate the party scene. The accused, including actor Darshan, are seen sitting at ‘DBOSS SAFARI’, specially created for the actor inside the pub.