Work near KR Circle leaves hawkers in distress

Amid the chaos, local hawkers are bearing the brunt of the disruption. A hawker, speaking to TNIE, expressed frustration over the loss of business due to the extended construction.
Head office of Bangalore Water Supply and Sewerage Board
Head office of Bangalore Water Supply and Sewerage Board (File Photo | Nagaraja Gadekal, EPS)
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BENGALURU: The ongoing sewage pipeline work by Bangalore Water Supply and Sewerage Board (BWSSB) on Dr BR Ambedkar Road, near KR Circle, is causing severe problems for pedestrians, motorists and local businesses. With construction in full swing, pedestrians are now forced to walk on the road, risking their lives.

The stretch between KR Circle and Mysore Bank Circle houses educational institutions, city civil and sessions court and other government offices, where thousands of students, advocates and public flock every day. The narrow road, with soil and concrete pipes dumped along the roadside, clouds of dust, and worsening traffic congestion forcing vehicles on to one side, poses a serious risk to both pedestrians and drivers on the stretch.

Amid the chaos, local hawkers are bearing the brunt of the disruption. A hawker, speaking to TNIE, expressed frustration over the loss of business due to the extended construction. “The work is taking too long, and affecting our livelihood. Customers can’t reach us safely because of the traffic, and many are avoiding the area altogether,” he said.

BWSSB East Zone executive engineer Sneha acknowledged the inconvenience but explained that sewage pipeline work is being accelerated due to BBMP’s white topping work. “Once BWSSB completes its work, white topping work will follow, and will be completed as soon as possible, thus easing movement on the road for motorists,” the BWSSB official said.

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