THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: The decision to transfer Devikulam Sub-Collector Sriram Venkitaraman hasn’t gone down well with the CPI, which has been offering unflinching support to the young officer in the eviction drive. The CPI, which is holding the Revenue portfolio, is of the view the transfer was made at an inopportune time.
The two-day CPI state executive which concluded here on Wednesday, witnessed criticism over the officer’s transfer. Some of the leaders were of the view the transfer made while the eviction drive is on, could have been avoided. However, the party will not go for open criticism or public fight over the transfer. The party leadership observed the High Court verdict on Tuesday - allowing the government to take over the private resort and 22 cents of land in Munnar Town - is a victory for the party. With the court verdict, CPI’s stance on the issue has got an upper hand.
“Irrespective of whichever officer is holding the post, the eviction drive will continue as it’s being done by the department. There’s nothing wrong in transferring an officer who has served four years as Assistant Collector and Sub-Collector, and appointing him as director. But the occasion chosen for the transfer was highly inopportune. This could send out a wrong message,” said a senior CPI leader.