KOZHIKODE: The Muslim Students Federation (MSF) unit of Farook College has lodged a complaint with the principal of Farook Training College demanding action against the professor who made derogatory remarks about the female students of the college.
According to Farook College chairperson Mina Farzana, the Haritha women’s wing of MSF has given a written complaint to Farook Training College principal C A Jawahar demanding strict action against social science assistant professor Jouhar Munavvir T.
“We have directly given the complaint to the principal. He has promised to consider the complaint and take necessary action,” said Mina. Meanwhile, members of the Farook College MSF unit denied allegations being raised on various on social media platforms that it had backed the professor’s speech. “ We have made our stand clear on the issue and we do not support the professor’s speech on any grounds. This is the reason why we have lodged a formal complaint, “ added the student.
The SFI unit of Farook College has forwarded a complaint to the Calicut University and is planning to lodge a complaint with the Women’s Commission.
The assistant professor invited the wrath of students and activists for his sexist comments in a speech delivered at a family counselling session a few weeks ago. Earlier, the Farooq Training College principal had said he could not initiate action against the professor as the students had not lodged any complaints. He had said action would be taken once the students gave a formal complaint.