Jayarajans counter allegations raised by K Sudhakaran

The war of words between Congress and CPM leaders in Kannur turned murkier on Friday after CPM leaders E P Jayarajan and P Jayarajan called senior Congress leader K Sudhakaran a ‘low-level, substandar

KANNUR:The war of words between Congress and CPM leaders in Kannur turned murkier on Friday after CPM leaders E P Jayarajan and P Jayarajan called senior Congress leader K Sudhakaran a ‘low-level, substandard’ politician.

The leaders were reacting to the allegations Sudhakaran made against CPM. E P Jayarajan, who is the CPM central committee member and was challenged by Sudhakaran to appear before a medical board to prove ‘the bullet’ was still inside his body, brushed aside the challenge, saying it was not worth taking up.
“The challenge is not worth taking up as the man who raised it is a low-level substandard politician. Let anyone else from the Congress come forward for a discussion,” he told reporters.

“Everyone knows I was shot inside the Rajdhani Express train while I was returning to Kannur after attending our party congress. I can easily present the medical records to prove that. But it’s unnecessary. Sudhakaran does not deserve to be treated like a standard opponent,” said E P Jayarajan. CPM district secretary P Jayarajan, who was with E P Jayarajan on Friday, said Sudhakaran was a ‘goonda’ leader and an ‘extortionist.’

“People of Kannur will ridicule his demand his real image be returned to him,” he said referring to Sudhakaran’s remarks the other day the CPM had tarnished his image and his ‘real image’ should be returned to him.

P Jayarajan said, “He should ask his real image from other Congress leaders, including P Ramakrishnan. It was Ramakrishnan who said Sudhakaran’s only aim is to make money through politics,” he said.
P Jayarajan alleged Sudhakaran had made a secret pact with national BJP leaders, as was ‘proved’ by the presence of BJP-RSS leaders in his hunger strike.

“The word doing the round is Sudhakaran met Amit Shah in Chennai and discussed Kannur politics. It seems he is getting ready to make an unholy alliance in the district to challenge CPM,” he alleged.

The New Indian Express