THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Documentary Filmmaker Anand Patwardhan’s film ‘Vivek’ (Reason) was denied permission by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting to screen, at the ongoing International Documentary and Short Film Festival of Kerala. The film did not get censor exemption and the organisers of IDSFFK are likely to move the High Court to screen the film before the fest concludes.
The documentary depicts a critical view of the rise of hyper-nationalism and Hindu extremist organisations like Sanathan Sanstha and Abhinav Bharat.
Sources said the centre disapproves of the film’s content. According to IDSFFK’s website, the four-hour long documentary was scheduled to be screened on June 24. However, it has now been postponed to the last day, which is June 26.
Kamal, IDSFFK director told the movie is available on YouTube and has already been viewed many times. Hence, the govt cannot straightaway deny censor exemption.
“We have been awaiting approval from the Centre for the past 20 days. Now, we will move legally,” he said.
As per the Policy for Certification of Films for Film Festivals, the I&B Ministry must dispose a request for censor exemption within 15 days from the date of receipt of the proposal from the director of the festival.