KOCHI: From being the owner of an internet cafe to the CEO of a customer relationship management (CRM) brand spread around the globe, Manodh Mohan has made giant strides in the IT industry. Now, the startup he heads has come out with an innovative and homebred answer to Zoom and Goggle Meet conferencing platforms.“Fokuz is a highly advanced, secure and flexible video conferencing platform which gives prime attention to customer pain points like a security threat, lag, constant disconnection, interruptions, poor audio or video quality, limited features and many others,” said Manodh Mohan, CEO, Salesfokuz and Skyislimit Technologies Pvt Ltd. According to him, the unprecedented times have pushed businesses across the world to shift to remote working. It has posed a huge challenge in the way we work and video conferencing has become an integral part of everyday life.
“Fokuz features unparalleled user experience like simple click schedule meetings, high-quality video and audio, secure experience, go live option to any social media handles, effortless screen shares, built-in recording feature, integrated chat option, file sharing and remote support. Also, it has the provision of automated meeting report generation via email which includes username, browser details, IP address, individual time spent by each participant and location of every participant which sets Fokuz aside from other similar platforms,” said the CEO.
The application has been developed in just four months foreseeing the demand for a safe and hassle-free platform during the ongoing pandemic situation. Fokuz is available across Android and iOS devices as well as Windows and macOS computers. “Unlike other similar platforms, Fokuz features the option of unlimited participants. It will be available free of cost for the coming two months and can be accessed from around the globe at https://fokuz.io,” Manodh added.
Manodh, who was brought up in Orissa and completed his basic education in the state, did his MBA in Finance in Delhi. “My career started as a flight steward for Air Deccan which I had to discontinue after six months to be with my family going through serious financial problems. I started an internet café in my hometown Adoor to earn a livelihood. But alongside, I tried out my software development skills which I acquired from spending long hours with my friends while in Delhi,” he said.
That was the genesis for Manodh Dot Com and his journey as a web designing freelancer at Adoor in Pathanamthitta. “Since 2012, when Manodh Dot Com entered a new phase as revamped Trinitymascot Consultancy Services Pvt Ltd with the very first office and a team of three at Elamakkara in Kochi, we have come very far. Salesfokuz was the first indigenous product that was developed by the skilled team at TMCS. This was followed by categorised products for different verticals,” said Manodh.And now in 2020, his team has embraced the lockdown with 11 certifications under their belt, he added. “Skyislimit now has 50+ professionals working as a team serving 10K+ Salesfokuz app users around the globe which includes SBI DHFI, CSB and DCB banks,” said Manodh.