KOCHI: "Take it as revenge and show the society that medical science is safe in your hands," the Kerala High Court on Wednesday told a girl from the scheduled caste community who is an MBBS aspirant. The petition should be dismissed with a heavy cost for wasting the time of the court, but the court was reluctant to do so, treating it as an attempt of an innocent girl to get admission for her "dream course of MBBS".
She is doing a BDS course in Government Dental College, Thrissur.
Justice PV Kunhikrishnan issued the order while dismissing a petition filed by Shilpa S Jayadev of Alappuzha seeking to declare that the reservation of seats available to the Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes community for the professional degree course is to be computed based on the total number of seats available for the course.
She had filed an application for getting admission for the academic year 2018-2019. In the first phase of allotment as per the prospectus, the petitioner obtained a BDS seat in Dental College, Pariyaram, Kannur. She submitted a representation on July 27, 2018, and thereafter filed a petition before the High Court. In the second phase of allotment on August 16, 2018 also, the petitioner was denied an MBBS seat but allotted a BDS seat in Government Dental College, Thrissur. The petition was disposed of after recording the submission of the government pleader that the prospectus provides for 8 per cent reservation on a statewide basis and the reservation is being strictly adhered to across the state.
According to the petitioner, seat allotment was in total violation of the reservation rules and hence the latest petition was filed. She submitted that denial of MBBS seats to her was because of the wrong reservation policy adopted by the government.
The court pointed out that the petitioner filed three writ petitions with almost similar prayers. One writ petition was amended twice and thereafter withdrawing the same, the present writ petition was filed with almost the same prayers. This is to be dismissed with heavy cost because the petitioner is wasting the time of this court by filing writ petition after writ petition with various prayers and that also at a belated stage. Considering this is an attempt of an innocent girl, the court is refraining from imposing a cost, it said.
"The petitioner ought to have spent time to study well in the ensuing academic year and get admission to her dream course instead of spending time on this legal battle. This is not the end of her educational career. I wish her all the best to get admission to her dream course by attempting in the qualifying examination the next time if it is possible. Take it as revenge and show society that medical science is safe in your hand. That will be the happiest day to the author of this judgement just like to you and to your loving parents," observed the court.