KOCHI: The 75th anniversary of India’s Independence on Monday is extra special for the India Post. For it is also when the six-digit pincode turns 50.
Though almost everything is online, the Postal Index Number, or PIN, remains relevant for 50 years since its launch on August 15, 1972. Be it for delivering something bought online or sending a post, the six digits continue to be the most useful piece of information on any address.
“Without an accurate pincode, a postman will have no clue where to deliver something. Providing inaccurate pincodes is one of the main reasons a mail or package is delayed,” said Geethakumari N, retired postmaster of Kozhenchery.
K K Devis, Director of Postal Services (Headquarters), Kerala, is credited with taking steps to popularise pincodes among people. It were these efforts that paved way for the formation of PIN Pals Club. The club, which has over 600 members now, aims to popularise pincodes in the country.
Pincode decoded