KOCHI: The Kerala High Court on Wednesday adjourned the anticipatory bail plea of actor-producer Vijay Babu accused in a rape case to Thursday. When the petition came up for hearing, Justice Gopinath P said “let him come”. The counsel for Vijay Babu also produced a copy of the flight ticket to Kochi from Dubai for May 30.
The counsel further submitted that as per the first information statement, the complainant actor was sexually abused by the petitioner from March 16 to April 14. According to the survivor, Vijay Babu promised her that he would marry her and they had a physical relationship.
According to the complainant herself, she had been acquainted with him from 2018 and she had applied for an audition when the petitioner intended to produce a film in 2020. The counsel added that the documents produced on Wednesday clearly indicate that there was no forcible sexual abuse by Vijay. The complainant is aged 25 years. Hence, she is fully aware of the family details of the petitioner. The petitioner is now available in Dubai and he has got a Golden Visa.