THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Finance Minister K N Balagopal has said that Kerala will get the GST compensation dues within one week. He was speaking to the media after the 49th meeting of the GST Council on Saturday. Balagopal said officials will share necessary records for the disbursal of dues. The CAG officers are under the Central Government and they would do their duties as per the rules, he said.
The minister was referring to Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman’s earlier criticism that Kerala’s compensation dues were withheld for non-receipt of AG-certified revenue figures. On Saturday, Seetharaman told the media that the dues would be sanctioned for six states which have submitted AG-certified figures.
Kerala to get F780 crore
Kerala will get Rs 780 crore as compensation dues, it is learnt. At the GST council meeting, Balagopal called for the formation of GST appellate tribunals at the earliest, said a statement from the minister’s office.
Kerala said the constitution of the tribunal should be in line with federal principles and uphold the state’s interests. States should have the power to decide the number of tribunal benches and technical members in the tribunal. Kerala deserves three benches considering its geographical peculiarities. Kerala also demanded the continuation of the GST compensation scheme and the implementation of an e-way bill for gold transportation.