THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Two persons, including a class IX student, went missing in the heavy downpour that lashed the state on Wednesday. Widespread damage was reported in central Kerala. In what could pose a threat to Sabarimala pilgrims, the hill shrine has been witnessing heavy rain since Wednesday afternoon. The IMD declared yellow alerts in Thiruvananthapuram, Pathanamthitta, Ernakulam, Idukki, and Wayanad on Thursday.
A 14-year-old girl, Mariya of Chittanappara, went missing near Bharananganam in Kottayam. She was returning from school along with a schoolmate when she accidentally fell into a stream and got swept away. In Pathanamthitta, 71-year-old woman Sudharmma went missing in a canal while she was taking a bath at Naranganam.
Two landslides were reported in Pathanamthitta while many houses, agricultural land, shops and roads were submerged. Night travel to high-range areas and tourism activities have been restricted in the district. However, Sabarimala pilgrims will be allowed to travel. Restrictions were imposed on kayaking, boating, bowl boat rides and MGNREGA work from Wednesday to Friday. Following a landslide at Churulicode, four families were shifted to safe places by the district administration. In Kalanjoor, water gushed into many houses following which seven families were shifted to safe places.
Travel restrictions have been imposed on tourism activities at beach destinations and hilly areas in Thiruvananthapuram, too. Four shutters in each of the Aruvikkara and Neyyar dams have been raised. According to IMD, the rain is expected to be moderate on Thursday.
Pathanamthitta recorded a rainfall of over 200 cm on Wednesday evening in the town area while Naranganam reported close to 180 mm and Kunnanthanam 119 mm. Elanthoor reported a landslide but there were no casualties. Poonjar in Kottayam also reported 123 mm of rainfall.
Alert in Pathanamthitta