Kummattikkali adds fervour to Onam festivities in Thrissur

Adorned in a unique attire crafted from grass, commonly referred to as the ‘Parppadaka Pullu,’ the artists embarked on a procession that wound its way through the quaint alleys of Thrissur town.
Kummattikkali at Kizhakkumpattukara | S Lal
Kummattikkali at Kizhakkumpattukara | S Lal

THRISSUR: Crossing the boundaries of age and gender, individuals danced with exuberance to the enchanting melodies of songs such as ‘Dhe Varanu Kummatti.....Padikkalethi Kummatti...’ at the mesmerising Kummattikkali performance hosted at Kizhakkumpattukara in Thrissur on Thursday. Amidst the captivating rhythm of percussions and the melodies of age-old songs, the adorned Kummattis covered in grass breathed life into the Onam festivities in central Kerala.

Commemorating the 75th anniversary of the Kizhakkumpattukara Kummatti, the local community orchestrated a celebration of unparalleled magnificence and liveliness. Adorned in a unique attire crafted from grass, commonly referred to as the ‘Parppadaka Pullu,’ the artists embarked on a procession that wound its way through the quaint alleys of Thrissur town, engaging in door-to-door visits. This vibrant journey commenced at the Panamukkumpally Sastha temple, and the performers continued their march through the streets of Kizhakkumpattukara.

The ensemble of costumes featured characters such as ‘Hanuman,’ ‘Malavedan,’ ‘Narasimham,’ and ‘Dharikan,’ while an essential aspect was the presence of an artist donning the mask of an elderly lady. 
The procession also showcased an array of elements, including tableaux, Sinkari Melam, Nadaswaram, Nasik Dol, and Mayoora Nritham.

Reflecting on the experience, Rekha, a resident, shared, “Welcoming the ‘Kummattis’ into our homes and witnessing their synchronised dance to the beats of traditional instruments is always accompanied by a sense of nostalgia. Even though first-timers, particularly children, might be initially apprehensive due to the imposing masks and figures adorned with grass, they eventually revel in the spectacle.”

On Friday, the town of Thrissur will be adorned by Pulikkali, while simultaneously, another Kummattikkali extravaganza will unfurl in Urakam, situated near Cherpu, within the district.  

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