VSSC exam fraud involves cheating kit sourced online

The city police have lodged two separate First Information Reports, one with the Museum police station and another with the Medical College police station. 
Image used for representational purposes only
Image used for representational purposes only

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: The individuals implicated in the VSSC exam fraud case employed advanced technology and sophisticated equipment. Perpetrators procured  ‘exam cheating kits’ from online marketplaces, spending anywhere from Rs 1,500 to RS 6,500 per kit. The criminals captured images of question papers using mobile phone cameras discreetly attached to their belts. These images were then transmitted to external accomplices.

The culprits discreetly turned on the camera while entering the exam hall. The question paper was positioned directly in front of the camera, and its video feed was relayed to an individual located at an undisclosed location. 

After analysing the questions, a team relayed the answers through a concealed Bluetooth earphone, which remained hidden within their ears, assisting the accused in composing their answers during the exam. 

Alert invigilators identified hidden earpieces during a physical inspection. “These cheating kits are readily available online, making it convenient for wrongdoers to purchase and practice before the examination. Some of these Bluetooth headsets are incredibly inconspicuous and challenging for invigilators to detect. However, in this case, vigilant invigilators noticed them, aiding in the arrest of the perpetrators,” a police official said. 

The city police have lodged two separate First Information Reports (FIRs), one with the Museum police station and another with the Medical College police station.  These reports were filed under sections 420 (cheating) and 406 (criminal breach of trust) of the Indian Penal Code, addressing charges of fraud and criminal breach of trust. 

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