KOLLAM: A seven-year-old student from Kadakkal in Kollam has tested positive for Brucellosis, a bacterial infection that spreads from animals to people. The girl was admitted to SAT Hospital with a severe fever, increased platelet count and a swollen face. She later tested positive for the bacterial infection. “She is stable at present. We are monitoring her health,” said a doctor.
She said the infection is mostly found in cattle, and at times humans who are in close contact with animals or animal products also catch the infection. The infection is life-threatening if not treated on time.
The girl started showing symptoms by the second week of June. Though her family took her to Government Taluk Hospital in Kadakkal her condition did not improve. She was shifted to SAT Hospital for further treatment, where Brucellosis was confirmed. Meanwhile, her family tested negative for the disease.
“She has a high fever. She eats food. And according to the doctors, she has been responding to medicine. The doctors say that more tests will be conducted in the coming days,” said the girl’s mother.
Meanwhile, district Epidemiologists visited the girl’s home and collected samples from the cow owned by the family. The tests showed no presence of Brucellosis in the cattle.