‘Suprabhaatham’ newspaper burned for carrying LDF ad

A copy of the Samastha Kerala Jem-iyyathul Ulama (Samastha) mouthpiece, Suprabhaatham Daily, was publicly burned by an individual in Kodinhi near Tirurangadi on Saturday.
‘Suprabhaatham’ newspaper being burned in public at Kodinhi near Tirurangadi on Saturday.
‘Suprabhaatham’ newspaper being burned in public at Kodinhi near Tirurangadi on Saturday. Express.

MALAPPURAM: In an incident that could further escalate tensions between the IUML and Samastha Kerala Jem-iyyathul Ulama (Samastha), a copy of the Samastha mouthpiece Suprabhaatham Daily was publicly burned by an individual in Kodinhi near Tirurangadi on Saturday. Samastha is a traditional vote bank of the IUML.

The reason behind the act was the publication of a full-page election campaign advertisement of the LDF in the newspaper, featuring a picture of Pinarayi Vijayan and the LDF’s election tagline.

The video of the newspaper burning went viral on social media Following this, the LDF Ponnani candidate condemned it and accused the IUML of orchestrating the act. “Suprabhaatham newspaper was burned by an IUML leader. Recently, Chandrika Daily published an advertisement featuring Pinarayi Vijayan. Why was Chandrika not burned then? How long will they (IUML) continue these acts of hooliganism? This is a planned attack on Suprabhaatham,” Hamsa said.

CPI state secretary Binoy Viswam also criticised the burning of Suprabhaatham, emphasising that such actions do not align with their political values.

“Burning is not our way of practising politics. The advertisement was paid for. Those who are unable to engage in proper political discourse resort to such acts,” Viswam said.

Meanwhile, the man who burned the newspaper, Kumukutty Haji, told reporters here that he is an activist and supporter of Samastha.

“I have been associated with Samastha for several years. I had never seen an advertisement of the LDF in Suprabhaatham before. The LDF advertisement made me concerned, and I set the newspaper on fire. I merely held the newspaper, and an LDF supporter ignited it,” Haji explained.

Meanwhile, SKSSF, a student organisation affiliated with Samastha, protested against the burning of Suprabhaatham.

The Tirurangadi Regional Committee of SKSSF issued a statement condemning the act, labelling it as objectionable.

“The agenda is to financially ruin Suprabhaatham. Suprabhaatham has consistently provided news and information from all democratic parties. Such advertisements have been published in the past as well, in accordance with management policy. People should be wary of these social miscreants who engage in such reprehensible activities,” the SKSSF said.

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