KALPETTA: In the aftermath of the devastating landslides in Wayanad’s Mundakkai and Chooralmala, a comprehensive search operation along the Chaliyar River led to the recovery of one dead body and an additional body part on Monday. The remains were found in Munderi Iruttukuthi and Chaliyar Kottupara Kadavu.
The joint search operation, which has been ongoing for two weeks, involves seven teams scouring areas from Kalakkan River to Soochipara’s third waterfall. The search teams, comprising members from the Fire Force, National Disaster Response Force (NDRF), forest officials, and volunteers, have recovered a total of 80 bodies and 167 body parts so far, bringing the total number of recovered remains to 245. Among the dead are 41 men, 32 women, three boys, and four girls.
On Tuesday, an intensified search will be conducted in five specific locations in Chaliyar. A team of 60 members, including the NDRF, Fire Brigade, Civil Defense Force, Police, Thunderbolt, and Forest Department, is covering a five-kilometre stretch from Munderi Farm to Parapanpara. Other teams, consisting of volunteers and police, are searching additional areas.
In response to the disaster, the state government has appointed a five-member expert committee to inspect locations selected for the rehabilitation of survivors. The committee includes distinguished experts such as former NCESS Scientist (Rtd.) John Mathai, Dr Drissia T K from the Centre of Excellence for Water Related Disaster Management in Kerala, Dr Sreevalsa Kolathayar from NIT Suratkal, Wayanad District Soil Conservation Officer Tara Manoharan, and State Disaster Management Authority Hazard Analyst G S Pradeep, who will coordinate the activities.
The committee is tasked with studying the safety and facilities of the land identified for resettlement and the construction of townships. They will also assess the habitability of the disaster areas. The report from the committee is expected to be submitted within 10 days, with district administration leadership responsible for providing security and assistance during the study.
245 remains recovered so far
The search operation carried out by members from the Fire Force, National Disaster Response Force (NDRF), forest officials, and volunteers have so far recovered 80 bodies and 167 body parts, bringing the total number of recovered remains to 245.
An expert committee has been appointed to inspect locations selected for the rehabilitation of survivors
Rescue workers clearing the debris around a mosque in Mundakkai, one of the worst landslide-hit areas in Meppadi