KOZHIKODE: The Vadakara police informed the High Court that the controversial fake ‘kafir’ screenshot was first circulated on WhatsApp groups. The police report confirms that the screenshot was first found in the Red Encounters WhatsApp group. The fake screenshot also appeared on the Red Battalion WhatsApp group.
According to the report, the kafir screenshot of Vadakara first appeared on the Red Encounter WhatsApp group on April 25 at 2.13 pm. It was posted by a group member Ribesh. The screenshot was also posted on the Red Battalion WhatsApp group on April 25 at 2.34 pm by a person named Amal Ramachandran. At 3 pm that day, the screenshot was circulated on the Ambadimukku Sakhakkal Facebook page. Admin Manish posted the screenshot on the Facebook page.
At 8.23 pm on the same day, the screenshot was also circulated on Porali Shaji Facebook page. According to the report submitted by the police, admin Abbas posted this on the page of Porali Shaji. Ribesh, who first posted the screenshot on the Red Encounter group, was questioned by Vadakara police. Meanwhile, Ribesh informed police that he did not know the source of the screenshot. The police also said that the mobile phones of the accused were seized and sent for expert examination. The Vadakara police informed the High Court that the scientific investigation was in progress.
A single bench headed by Justice Bechu Kurian Thomas is considering the petition filed by Youth League worker P K Kasim who was first accused of the screenshot. The court heard the petition on Monday. Meanwhile, Vadakara station SHO Sanil Kumar N told TNIE that there was no evidence to link the WhatsApp groups to the CPM or any other Left parties.