THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: The state has decided to approach the Union government seeking more relaxations in declaring coastal regulation zones. The cabinet on Wednesday decided to submit the draft Coastal Zone Management Plan 2019 for the approval of the Union Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC). The plan, prepared as per the Coastal Zone Regulation Zone notification 2019, was cleared by the Kerala Coastal Zone Management Authority.
An official release said the Centre had earlier approved the state’s recommendation to change the category of 66 panchayats from the CRZ-III category to CRZ-II. Now, the government will demand changing the category of 109 additional panchayats. The approval of the coastal zone management plan will help get more relaxations.
As many as 66 grama panchayats in the state have been changed from the CRZ-III category to CRZ-II category. CRZ-II has fewer restrictions. CRZ-III will be applicable for the grama panchayats of Ambalappuzha North, Ambalappuzha South, Chirayinkeezhu, Karumkulam, Kottukal and Venganoor due to atomic mineral deposits.
Developed areas where the population density is 2,161 per sq km or more are included in CRZ-III-A and those having a lesser population are included in CRZ-II-B. In areas under CRZ-III-A, a distance of up to 50 m from the high tide line (HTL) is classified as “No development Zone” (NDZ). Earlier, this was 200 m. The NDZ under CRZ-II-B will continue up to 200 m from the HTL. In case of inland water bodies, the distance limit will come down from 100 m to 50 m. For small waterbodies, the NDZ would be up to 50 m or as per the width of the water body. NDZ will not be applicable for notified port areas.
An Integrated Island Management Plan will be prepared for islands and the same is to be submitted to the MoEFCC. When approved, the NDZ will be reduced from 50 m to 20 m.
Pokkali, Kaipad paddy fields
In case of pokkali and kaipad fields, HTL will be fixed at bunds and sluice gates constructed before 1991.
Mangrove forests
As per the 2019 CRZ notification, 50-m buffer zone demarcation is applicable for mangrove forests over 1,000 sq m area under government ownership. As per the new plan, buffer zone demarcation will be avoided for mangrove forests under private ownership.
109 panchayats to be reclassified from CRZ-III category to CRZ-II
In CRZ-III-A, “No development Zone” will come down from 200m to 50m
NDZ for inland water bodies will come down from 100m to 50m
HTL will be fixed at bunds and sluice gates for pokkali fields
Buffer zone demarcation to be avoided for mangrove forests