THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Minister K B Ganesh Kumar has dismissed the allegation that the Association of Malayalam Television Media Artists (ATMA), of which he is the president, has banned movie artists from acting in serials. Ganesh told the media on Tuesday that he does not have knowledge about denying opportunities to actors. “We haven’t banned anyone. It is the television channels that are deciding who will act in serials,” he said.
Ganesh also downplayed the statements documented in the Hema Committee report about casting couch and said that it was heard in the olden days also. “No one has approached me with a petition. If someone had come forward, I would have intervened,” he said.
He also criticised the media for raising a section of the report about sexual exploitation. “The cultural minister has already said that the government would take necessary action on the recommendations of the report. The non-availability of urinals is a serious problem. The producers’ association should take action to make available such amenities,” he added.