KOCHI: Actor Urvashi has urged the Association of Malayalam Movie Actors (AMMA) to take a firm stand on the Hema Committee report, and to support the survivors who have come forward with complaints. “The perpetrators should be identified with evidence of their wrongdoings and punished accordingly,” Urvashi told the TNIE on Saturday, emphasising that any kind of harassment against women is a crime and cannot be tolerated.
“The association should identify the offenders and expel them from AMMA. We should also decide not to associate with anyone who has committed wrongdoings,” Urvashi said.
“I personally stand with the survivors. No woman should suffer. The association should also take a strong stand in favour of the survivors,” said Urvashi, who won the state award for best female actor this year.
‘Take action on sexual assault cases in report’
Urvashi emphasised that immediate action is needed on the incidents of sexual assault mentioned in the report. “We have been holding discussions with representatives of producers’ association, technicians and artists, to improve facilities on shooting sets, including toilet facilities, accommodation, and fair pay. But what requires immediate action are the incidents of sexual assault raised in the report,” she said.
The actor also appreciated the women who shared their experiences with the committee. “There were such issues in the industry earlier too. I feel proud that several women opened up to the committee. It will help bring a change,” she added.