THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: A day after Bengali actor Sreelekha Mitra accused Kerala Chalachitra Academy chairman Ranjith of sexual misdemeanour, demands are growing from various corners for his resignation. With focus shifting from the Hema Committee report to Ranjith, political parties including CPI, Left-leaning cultural leaders, film personalities and youth organisations have raised the demand, putting the government under tremendous pressure.
Even as hectic parleys are being held, while the government buys more time to ensure a safe exit for the academy chairman, there are indications that Ranjith may soon step down. Top government sources said the ball is now in the chief minister’s court.
On Saturday, the government found itself in a tight spot after Minister for Cultural Affairs Saji Cherian defended Ranjith, saying he’s a brilliant director and that a probe will be conducted if there’s a formal complaint. Although he later made a U-turn by posting a ‘corrected’ statement, the damage had already been done.
Women’s Commission Chairperson P Sathidevi, meanwhile, took a different stance as she said a written complaint was not necessary to take action in cases of sexual harassment. “The commission is ready to investigate the allegations, even if these were made through the media,” she said, adding that she would seek a report from the government in the matter.
Senior CPI leader Annie Raja said, considering the seriousness of the allegations, Ranjith should be immediately removed from the post. A transparent and timely investigation should be carried out and suitable action be taken, she added.
CPI’s youth organisation AIYF’s state president and Chalachithra Academy member N Arun said they expect the government’s intervention in the matter. “We are aware of the gravity of the allegation. This is a very complex situation. The issue has put the state in a bad light. We hope that the government will soon take a decision,” he said.
Close on the heels of Saji Cherian defending Ranjith, both the UDF and the BJP demanded Ranjith’s resignation. Leader of Opposition V D Satheesan said Ranjith should step down from the post. He also sought the resignation of Saji Cherian.
Action will be taken if allegation is proven to be true: Minister
BJP state chief K Surendran too said Ranjith has lost the moral right to continue in office, and minister Saji Cherian, who justified the academy chairman, too should step down. Youth Congress state vice-president Abin Varkey lodged a complaint with the state police chief on Saturday demanding investigation against Ranjith. Youth Congress workers also took out a protest march against Ranjith in Wayanad.
A slew of film personalities, including director Dr Biju and actor Anoop Chandran, felt that Ranjith should step down and face investigation.
With the issue triggering a major controversy, hectic discussions are currently in progress at the government level. Even though Saji Cherian came out in Ranjith’s support to buy more time, the veracity of the allegation and the mounting criticism even from Left-leaning cultural activists prompted the government to withdraw from any kind of move to shield the academy chairman. “The ball is now in the court of the CM,” a senior cabinet minister told TNIE. “The appointment of Ranjith was both a political as well as an administrational call. This is kind of a cooling period, as the government has to give time to Ranjith for a safe exit, rather than ask him to resign,” he said. There is a strong view in the CPM that the goodwill gained by the government through the Hema Committee should not be sabotaged for the mere sake of protecting a director.
Earlier in the day, Minister Saji Cherian told reporters that a government agency would investigate the allegations if Sreelekha Mitra files a complaint against Ranjith. “He is a brilliant director. If someone raises an allegation out of the blue, how can the government register a case? If it is proved that he is innocent, what will we do? The government is with the survivor. But there should be a written complaint,” he said. But hours later, he was forced to correct his statement. He clarified that the government would not protect anyone who commits a crime. “If the allegation against Ranjith is proven true, action will be taken,” he said in a social media post.
Meanwhile, Sreelekha Mitra told media that she would not come to the state and file a complaint in this regard. “It would be an extra burden for me to travel to Kochi, leaving my work here in Bengal,” she said. She also questioned the minister’s good certificate for Ranjith, and said, “There are so many brilliant directors and actors. But that doesn’t mean that they are good individuals.” She asked the government to take up the matter on her behalf.