KOCHI: The Kerala High Court on Thursday directed the state police to look into the allegations regarding forgery in the case related to the ‘kafir’ remarks that were circulated on social media during the Vadakara Lok Sabha election. The court issued the order on a petition filed by P K Muhammed Khasim, a leader of the Muslim Youth League (MYUL) seeking a fair investigation into the criminal conspiracy behind the circulation of the fake screenshot. Though the police were informed on April 25 at 8.32 pm, an FIR was registered based on some other complaints incorporating only section 153 of IPC, argued the petitioner.
The court said that the complaint revealed some of the offences relating to forgery and they were not incorporated in the FIR. However, it is for the investigating officer to consider the plea of the petitioner to incorporate the offence.
The counsel for the petitioner brought to the court’s attention that no action has been taken against the admin of the Facebook account of ‘Poralishaji’.
KOCHI: The Kerala High Court on Thursday stayed the distribution of merit certificates and grace marks in the events of the Kerala University Youth Festival, against which allegations of corruption have been levelled. The court passed the order on a petition filed by Aswin K S, who secured third place in the English debate competition at the festival. The petitioner highlighted allegations of corruption and malpractice against the members of the organising committee and certain judges.
‘Prioritise timely payment of pension’
Kochi: Expressing concern over the suicide of a KSRTC pensioner in the capital, reportedly due to delay in the payment of pensions, the HC observed that the government should prioritise the timely payment of pensions and should not cite a lack of funds as an excuse. The court stated that the pension for August must be paid immediately, and the pension for September should be paid without delay, especially as Onam festival is approaching.