KOCHI: Following the sexual assault allegations raised by Malayalam and Tamil film actress against actor MLA Mukesh and six others, DySP-ranked officers are included in the Special Investigation Team (SIT) constituted to investigate rape cases registered in Kochi. Police registered seven cases on Thursday following the complaint of the victim against Mukesh, Jayasurya, Edavela Babu, Maniyampilla Raju, lawyer Chandrashekar, production executives Nobel and Viju.
Cherthala DySP K V Benny is probing the rape case registered against Mukesh at Maradu Police Station.
Thrikakkara Assistant Commissioner of Police P V Baby is given charge to probe the rape cases against Edavela Babu and advocate V S Chandrasekharan registered at Ernakulam North and Ernakulam Central Police Station respectively.
Other cases of molestation against Maniyampilla Raju, Nobel and Vichu are being probed by Inspector ranked officers.
On Friday, SIT approached Ernakulam Chief Judicial Magistrate Court to record the confidential statement of the complainant under section 183 of BNSS in the rape case against Mukesh.