KOCHI: Pachyderms are out in force -- and for a cause. One may be excused for assuming that printed calendars have been kicked to the curb by our shiny digital gadgets. Hold your trunks! Several groups of elephant enthusiasts have discovered that these calendars are the perfect way to lend a helping hand to those in need!
Aimed at supporting mahouts who picked up injuries while caring for elephants, many groups have introduced printed annual calendars featuring stunning photographs of renowned elephants from around the state. And, these calendars are selling like hotcakes.
“Many mahouts have suffered injuries on the job, leaving them unable to work. This has hindered their ability to earn a living. We utilise the funds generated from selling the calendars to provide assistance to them,” shares Ajith P S, an office-bearer of Aanachooru - Voice for Elephant.
In addition to full-size photographs of renowned captive elephants, the calendars also feature key dates of major temple festivals across the state. “They provide insights into the names of elephants, their booking numbers, and snapshots of elephant processions, capturing the essence of celebrated temple festivals.
We have customers even from outside the state, and we courier the calendars as needed,” explains Subrahmanian Pallipuram, president of Chunks Aanapremi Sangham, which joined the ‘elephant calendar’ initiative this year. The sangham printed 3,000 dummy-sized calendars, and nearly all have been sold.
The trend began about eight years ago with the Koottukombanmar Elephant Welfare Forum. Today, various groups, including Maadanga Peruma, Aanachandam, and Aanakkambam, also offer calendars to interested individuals.
If you think that only captive elephants are featured in these calendars, you’re mistaken! Some groups produce calendars showcasing solely wild elephants. “I have shirts, coffee mugs, scarves, and wallpapers adorned with images of my favourite elephants, and the calendars are an essential part of my collection,” says Shyam Kumar, a passionate elephant enthusiast.