CPM, Jama'at ‘bhai bhai’ outside Kerala

Pookkottur also posted a photo of former CPM MP from Tamil Nadu P R Natarajan sitting at the Jama’at office in Coimbatore.
Amra Ram, CPM MP from Sikar in Rajasthan, with Jama’at leaders. The photo was shared by Jama’at secretary Shihab Pookkottur on Facebook
Amra Ram, CPM MP from Sikar in Rajasthan, with Jama’at leaders. The photo was shared by Jama’at secretary Shihab Pookkottur on Facebook
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KOZHIKODE: Taking the wind out of the CPM’s attack on its “theocratic state’ ideology, the Jama’at-e-Islami has released “proofs” for its close ties with the Communist party outside Kerala.

In a Facebook post, Jama’at secretary Shihab Pookkottur said three among the four CPM MPs in Lok Sabha enjoyed the support of his organisation in the recent general elections. “Two of them are from Tamil Nadu and one from Rajasthan. Jama’at had supported CPM candidates in Tamil Nadu in 2019 elections too,” he said.

Pookkottur shared the photos of CPM MPs with Jama’at leaders. In one photo Amra Ram, CPM MP from Sikar, is seen with Jama’at Rajasthan amir Muhammad Nazimuddin. In another picture, Ram is seen with Jama’at shura member Khurshid Hussein and Sikar district president Arif Jattu.

Pookkottur also posted a photo of former CPM MP from Tamil Nadu P R Natarajan sitting at the Jama’at office in Coimbatore. Jama’at cadre also shared the photo of the memorial meeting of former CPM general secretary Sitaram Yechury held in Rajasthan, which was attended by CPM Sikar MP along with Jama’at leaders.

CPM politburo member A Vijayaraghavan had blasted Congress leaders Priyanka Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi for accepting the support of ‘communal elements among the Muslim community’ in Wayanad LS polls. CPM leaders including state secretary M V Govindan, central committee memeber P K Sreemathi and LDF convener T P Ramakrishnan had endorsed Vijayaraghavan’s stand.

“CPM views Jama’at support to Priyanka and Rahul as a great crime. The party is trying to whip up Hindu communalism using this as a tool,” Pookkottur said in the post. 

CPM had accused UDF of taking communal outfits’ help

CPM has been accusing the UDF of accepting the support of ‘communal organisations’ such as Jama’at e Islami and SDPI in the Lok Sabha elections and in the Palakkad assembly by-election. The party pointed out that it was the SDPI that took out the first victory procession after the UDF victory in Palakkad.

The UDF has retorted that CPM is trying to win back the support of the majority community by targeting the Muslim organisations. UDF leadership believes that the CPM is wreaking vengeance on the Muslim community for spurning all the overtures to woo the community.

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