THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: The Crime Branch has filed the chargesheet before the Judicial First Class Magistrate Court in the case against the daughter of retired IPS officer Sudesh Kumar for attacking a police driver on duty.
The chargesheet was filed against Snigdha Kumar, five-and-a-half years after the incident took place. According to the prosecution, Snigdha abused and assaulted Gavaskar while he took her in the police car for her routine morning walk in Kanakakunnu on June 14, 2018. The provocation for the attack was Gavaskar’s complaint to Sudesh Kumar regarding the rude behaviour of Snigdha the previous day.
Gavaskar’s complaint triggered a controversy and made way for discussions regarding the plight of cops working with senior IPS officers. Following Gavaskar’s complaint, Snigdha filed a counter-complaint alleging that the cop insulted her by calling her by her caste name.
The two complaints were probed by the Crime Branch. However, there were attempts to sabotage the probe and filing of the chargesheet. Gavaskar moved the High Court against the moves following which the chargesheet was filed. The Crime Branch also informed the court that the complaint against Gavaskar won’t stand as there was no evidence against him.