Kerala Health Minister releases first district-level antibiogram

An antibiogram, a report card for bacteria that helps doctors choose the right antibiotic to treat an infection, at the district level is considered to be the first such initiative in the country.
Health Minister Veena George.
Health Minister Veena George.Photo | Express

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM : Health Minister Veena George released the first district-level antibiogram to prevent the misuse of antibiotics in Ernakulam under the Kerala Antimicrobial Resistance Strategic Action Plan (KARSAP). An antibiogram, a report card for bacteria that helps doctors choose the right antibiotic to treat an infection, at the district level is considered to be the first such initiative in the country.

“We have been studying anti-microbial resistance trends at tertiary hospitals. Now we can understand the AMR trends of primary and secondary hospitals through the district-level antibiogram,” said Veena.

The minister said that the state aims to release antibiograms for all districts in the coming years.

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