Rise in attacks on TTEs raises security concerns in Kerala

According to railway data, four attacks on TTEs reported in 2024
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KOZHIKODE: Attacks on travelling ticket examiners (TTEs) have become a daily occurrence in Kerala. Last Wednesday, two separate incidents of attacks on TTEs were reported. In Kozhikode, a man from the Andaman and Nicobar Islands was arrested for attacking a female TTE on the Mangalore-Chennai Mail train.

On the same day, Manoj Varma from Uttar Pradesh and Shammi Raja from Thiruvananthapuram were attacked in Wadakkanchery on the Bengaluru-Kanyakumari Express. These repeated incidents are not only alarming but also raise serious concerns about the security provided to railway employees.

According to railway data, there have been four reported attacks on TTEs in 2024. However, considering the frequent clashes between TTEs and passengers in Malabar region, the actual numbers could be much higher. Most of these attacks occur when TTEs question passengers who board reserved compartments with general tickets.

Some of these clashes have resulted in serious injuries to TTEs and even fatalities. On April 2, 48-year-old TTE K Vinod was pushed to death from a moving train by a migrant worker. Vinod’s death caused significant panic among railway employees. Yet the attacks continue. On May 12, another TTE Vikram Kumar Meena, a native of Rajasthan, was attacked when he asked a passenger to produce his ticket. Meena, who suffered a blow to his nose, is currently undergoing treatment for his injuries.

The railways is taking rigorous actions to address these altercations. “We are trying our best to provide safety for our employees. As part of preventive measures, the railways has strengthened RPF/GRP escorts, implemented preventive checks, and is closely monitoring suspicious persons. We are also conducting extensive patrolling and passenger checks both on station premises and on board. Additionally, we are organising awareness campaigns among passengers,” said an official of Southern Railway Palakkad division.

Officials also stated that the railways is assisting victims in pursuing legal action against offenders. “We are trying to avoid unnecessary altercations between TTEs and passengers. However, if any incidents occur, the railways will assist the victim employees in lodging complaints with the GRP or local police. In 2024 alone, four such cases have been reported in Kerala, all of which have resulted in the arrest of the offenders,” the official added.

Deboarding unreserved passengers from reserved coaches is the primary cause of these altercations. “Increased passenger footfall during the summer vacation has led to overcrowding in general compartments. As a result, passengers try to board reserved coaches with general tickets. A TTE’s duty is to restrict the entry of unreserved passengers into reserved coaches. Another issue is that in all these incidents, the accused were intoxicated,” the official said.

However, passengers’ associations said the Railways’ policies are the major reasons for the recurring attacks. “The Railways is cutting down the number of general compartments and increasing reserved coaches to boost revenue. However, they are not providing any alternative solutions to reduce the rush in general compartments. That’s why passengers are boarding reserved coaches, leading to clashes with TTEs,” said Rasheed Kavvayi, a member of the Zonal Railway Consultative Committee.

Measures taken

  • As part of preventive measures, the railways has strengthened RPF/GRP escorts, implemented preventive checks, and is closely monitoring suspicious persons

  • It is also conducting extensive patrolling and passenger checks both on station premises and on board

  • Additionally, awareness campaigns being prganised among passengers

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